Funds may be used for direct project costs such as project materials, (limited) domestic mileage, book editing, illustrations, printing and photocopying, informational community forums, data collection, database development, data management, and transcription costs.
Funds must support projects that are designed to benefit the Japanese American community and that strengthen ties between the UCLA and the J.A. communities.
Publication/Dissemination Costs:
- Printing, duplication, and production costs for brochures, manuals, and other informational materials requests should be listed with an explanation of per unit cost, as well as a subtotal of all items needed for the project.
Limited Domestic Travel:
- List the purposes and destination of each trip
- List the number of individuals going on each trip
- Indicate the mode and cost of transportation (e.g., mileage reimbursements)
- All travel requests must be for trips within the USA
- Indicate the name of the consultant, hourly consulting rate, total number of hours required by the project and the reason the services are needed and cannot be provided by the organization
- Describe the consultant’s role in the project and the percentage the consultant fee represents out of the total budget that you are requesting
- UCLA employees or students cannot be hired or listed as consultants for these awards
- Any employees or staff member of the community organization cannot be requested as a consultant on these awards
Other Direct Costs:
- List any needed fees, allowable telecommunication charges, data analysis and/or data management costs, postage, and other materials required for the project
- Rental space for project programming
Funds MAY NOT be used or requested for:
- UCLA faculty or staff time, salary support, benefits, course buy-outs, or other direct or indirect compensation
- Applicants’ salary support, benefits, or consulting fees for themselves
- Any equipment purchase, leases, and rentals (e.g., cell phones, hotspots, monthly services, subscription services, internet services, etc.)
- Tangible non-inventorial theft-sensitive property having a useful life of more than one year, in the range of $200-$4,999 (e.g., tablets, computers, electronic hardware, editing equipment, cameras, video recorders, electronic devices, etc.)
- Core operating support for existing programs: core operating support for general operations of an existing program or organization
- Automobile, truck, van, or other transport vehicle purchase, rental, lease, or sub-lease
- Sub-contracts
- Property, real estate, real estate lease(s); sub-lease(s) or purchase
- Capital improvements and/or space renovation, retro-fitting, code upgrades
- Capital campaign(s) or construction projects
- Loan forgiveness, loan payments; deficit clearing, debt reduction, or retirement of debts
- Citizen and cultural exchanges
- Travel to the United States from other countries or from the United States to other countries
- Humanitarian aid or social services
- School tuitions or scholarships
- Political activities or campaigns
- Attempts to support, change, lobby, or otherwise influence specific legislation, and/or ballot measures
- Indirect costs or administrative overhead
- Fundraising drives
- Endowments
- Honorary or visiting positions (such as performers in residence or scholar in residence)
- Support of parent organizations or headquarter offices or their activities
- Applicants’ salary support, benefits, or consulting fees for themselves.
- Labor relations costs
- Advertising and public relations costs
- Fines and penalties
- Interest and investment costs
- Alcoholic beverages
- Recruiting costs
- Licensing fees or costs
- Selling and marketing costs
- Defense and prosecution of criminal and civil proceedings, claims, appeals, and patent infringement
- Losses on sponsored agreements or contracts
- Donations and contributions
- Goods and services for personal use
- Insurance against defects (costs incurred to correct defects in the awardees materials or workmanship)
- Pre-agreement costs (costs incurred prior to the effective date of the award agreement)